Best authors of books about depression, panic attacks, anxiety disorders: rating, list of authors and books
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Books > Books on depression, panic attacks
On this page, in the category "E-books and audiobooks", you will find a list of the 10+ best authors of books about depression, panic attacks and anxiety disorders, as well as adjustment disorders and a rating of the 100+ best books of popular science books on psychology and treatment of depression, fears. The list is based on our experience, as well as reviews and top ratings of online stores presented on our website that sell books on psychology for men, women and children. The list we have compiled on this page as of 2025 (year) is regularly updated. You can also leave your reviews for interesting books about depression and anxiety disorders that you especially like. To buy books, go to the page with the description of the book selected.
Best authors of books on depression and panic attacks, Top 5+ best writers
First name, last name | Years active | Country | Information, view the author's books |
Mark Williams | XXI c. | United States of America | Professor of Clinical Psychology and Researcher at the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Oxford. ... |
Robert L. Leahy | XX - XXI c. | United States of America | 3 books |
Klaus Bernhardt | XX - XXI c. | Germany | German psychotherapist, journalist, author of books about depression and panic disorders. ... |
Andrew Matthews | XX - XXI c. | Australia | Australian writer, psychologist, author of books on self-development and motivation. 1 books |
David D. Burns | XX - XXI c. | United States of America | Well-known American psychologist, psychiatrist, M.D. ... 4 books |
Kelly McGonigal | XX - XXI c. | United States of America | American writer, Doctor of Philosophy, psychologist. University professor, leading expert. ... 5 books |
Sigmund Freud | XIX - XX c. | Austria | Austrian psychologist, psychiatrist and neurologist, professor, M.D., founder of psychoanalysis. 14 books |
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