Website Terms of use
Terms of using the website
Table of contents
- 1. Scope of application
- 2. Opportunities and features provided
- 3. User and online stores registration
- 4. Authorization on the website (signing in)
- 5. Placement of information
- 6. Paid services, prices
- 7. User responsibilities
- 8. Rights of authorized users
- 9. Liability for the content published
- 10. Security, privacy
- 11. Protection against fraudsters
- 12. Rights and obligations of the Web service (website owner)
- 13. Final provisions
1. These Website Terms of Use scope of application
1.1. These conditions shall apply when using the website (hereinafter referred to as the "(web)site" or "our site"), owned by Internetservice Seljunin Germany (hereinafter referred to as the "Internet service" or "(web)site owner" or "we/ us"), in case YOU (hereinafter referred to as the "user" or "you") participate in the discussion, comment on information, make reviews, provide feedback, create an account, upload and publish your content, information about online stores and goods, price lists, messages about sales, apply for paid services or use any other functions available to registered users of the website.
1.2. By using our site in this way, you are bound to accept and agree to these Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy and Disclaimer. In case you disagree with one of the documents listed, you are not allowed to use our site in the manner specified in paragraph 1.1.
1.3. All user conditions that contradict or differ from these Terms of Use may be valid only with our prior written consent.
1.4. We reserve the right to change these Terms at any time. When you visit our site again, the new Terms of the Website Use shall apply.
2. Opportunities and features provided on the website
2.1. Our website provides users with the features listed below:
- Creating a user account;
- Placing information about the online store on a dedicated page of our website (a vCard/ Business card of the online store) in 4 languages;
- Placing information about the online store in all appropriate online store catalogues of our site;
- Placing information about the goods / products of the online store within the affiliate program framework (for more information, see §5);
- Submitting comments, reviews, opinions and questions to the messages regarding online stores and the goods / products they sell;
- Opportunity to browse and search for information posted on the site.
3. User accounts and online stores registration
3.1. Registered users of our site can be both individuals and legal entities. Only an authorized representative can register a legal entity.
3.2. Each individual or legal entity shall be entitled to only one account (profile page) on the website.
3.3. To register on the website, the user shall, without fail, meet the conditions that follow:
- at the time of registration, the user shall have come of the age of at least 16 years old;
- the user owns an online store and conducts their business either in Germany or abroad, but provides for the goods delivery and payment methods suitable for the residents of Germany;
- the user's online store does not violate the German legislation and does not provoke a violation thereof, nor does s/he sell goods (products, merchandise) that belong to the categories of goods or services prohibited for display on the website under clause 5.7 of these Terms;
- the user shall fill out an Online Application Request on registration (a registration form/signup form) and save it on the website;
- when registering, the user shall indicate accurate and truthful data about themselves and about the online store in the appropriate fields of the registration form;
- the user shall be able to pay the online store registration fee.
3.4. A user and an online store registration shall include the steps set out below:
- familiarization with and acceptance of these Website Terms of Use;
- filling out an Online Application Request on registering the user and the online store and saving it on the website;
- our sending an email to the user to confirm the email address specified in the Online Application Request;
- confirmation by the user of their email address;
- our creating a user account on the website;
- our consideration of the user's Online Application Request on registering an online store and informing the user about our decision;
- payment by the user of the fee for the online store registration;
- our posting information about the user's online store and performing other services under the Online Application Request and our confirmation;
- informing the user about the services we have performed.
3.5. The Online Application Request on registration provides for registering the user and registering one online store belonging to the user, both at a time.
3.6. The user registration is free of charge. Registering each online store on the website is to be paid for (for more information, see §6).
3.7. Several registered online stores belonging to the user can correspond to one user account on the website.
3.8. The online store application request shall be considered/ processed by us within 10 business days. The Internet service may reject the registration application without giving a reason (i.e. quietly).
3.9. Should the Internet service decide to register the online store, an e-mail is sent to the user along with a completed invoice to pay the online store registration fee.
3.10. After receiving the payment of the registration fee, the Internet service shall register the user's online store within 10 business days.
3.11. The registration of the user, as well as the registration of the online store, is unlimited. The deletion of a user account or information about the online store can be done at any time by the user themselves or by the Support Service, for the reasons stated in §8 and §12. In this case, the paid registration fee shall not be refunded to the user.
4. Authorization on the website (signing in)
4.1. To work with their account on the website, the user has to log in (go to the site) with the username and password.
4.2. The user shall keep their password for accessing the website confidential and shall not transfer it to third parties. In case the password has become available to third parties, the user shall immediately inform us by e-mail and change their password on the website. The user may not provide access to their account to third parties.
4.3. The user understands and agrees that s/he is fully responsible for all actions on the site by third parties whom s/he has granted access to their account.
5. Placement of information
5.1. Each registered online store on our website has a dedicated page (a vCard/Business card of the online store, hereinafter referred to as the "business card"). The information in the said business card is initially entered from the registration application request completed by the user.
5.2. The online store business card can be issued by the user in all the languages that are presented on our website at no additional charge.
5.3. We shall place brief information about the online store in all catalogues of online stores in our website that are, in our opinion, appropriate for the online store owner: the master catalogue, catalogue by country, catalogues by type of products sold.
5.4. If an online store owner posts information about the goods/products / merchandise s/he sells through affiliate programs (e.g. Awin, Amazon, eBay), our Internet service will consider the possibility as to publishing all or some of the products we select on our website as part of this affiliate program. However, on our website we are not obliged to post the information about the goods/products/merchandise of the online stores registered with us.
5.5. Reviews, ratings and comments of the site population. Any information entered by the user on the website (including the online store business card) may be subject to reviews, ratings and comments (hereinafter referred to as "comments") by other authorized and unauthorized users of the website. By registering an online store, the user agrees that both favourable and unfavourable comments and reviews can be left with regard to their information. The user agrees that s/he will not make any claims against the Internet service in connection with these comments and that their authors shall be solely responsible for the said comments.
5.6. Mandatory requirements for any information entered by the user on the website:
- the information shall always be adequate, reliable and accurate, shall not violate the laws of Germany and the European Union, and shall be relevant for the residents of Germany;
- the information shall be of high quality in terms of search engine optimization (SEO): extensive enough (at least 1000 characters), unique (not repeated on other sites), human written or human translated;
- when entering prices or price lists, please indicate real prices and update them regularly.
Further requirements for entering information on our website are available in §7 User responsibilities.
5.7. Prohibited topics or nature of the User-posted content:
- network marketing, multilevel marketing, pyramid investment schemes, all kinds of pyramid schemes of business;
- gambling, lotto, casino offers;
- pornography, erotica, sexual services, sexting, modelling agencies, dating, etc .;
- violence, violence-related services, weapons;
- personal data, as well as contact details of third parties;
- insignificant, of no interest to the people of Germany;
- magic, witchcraft, spiritism, religion, astrology, etc.;
- tobacco products, drugs;
- substances toxic and hazardous to human health;
- offering stolen items, fakes, pirated versions, as well as goods prohibited for sale in Germany.
6. Paid services, prices. Paid service cancellation
6.1. By filling out the Online registration Application Request, the user thus completes an application for providing the "online store registration" paid service. With it being approved, the user undertakes to pay for the request made. In addition to registering an online store, the user can order the paid services listed below:
- Highlighting brief information about the online store in catalogues (background color, font), indefinitely;
- Priority placement of brief information about the online store at the top of the catalogues for a period of one year;
- Translating the information regarding the online store into other languages in which our website is available, indefinitely (if currently available);
- Posting a message about the online store on our social media pages with a link to the business card (one message on 3 of our social media pages), indefinitely.
6.2. Payment for registering the online store and additional services shall be made only once.
6.3. On request, the user can re-use additional paid services: information priority placement, posting a message in social networks. To do this, the user shall inform the Internet service about their request for an invoice for these services payment to be issued.
6.4. All payments shall be made by the user on the basis of formalized invoices issued by the Support Service in German or in English. Invoices shall be sent to the user by an email.
6.5. The payment has to be made by the user within 2 weeks from the date of invoicing.
6.6. We provide the following payment methods - to our bank account in Germany, a payment via PayPal or WebMoney payments systems.
6.7. Late payment for the order. If the payment for a placed/ completed order is overdue, the Internetservice shall be entitled to charge the user a penalty of 0.5% for each day of delay.
6.8. Pricing for services. The effective prices for paid services on the site are available in the Price Lists of our website on the following page: Price list
6.9. Refusal on the part of the Internet service to fulfill the order. By filling out an application request for paid services provision, the user agrees that the Internet service shall be entitled either to agree or refuse to execute the order at any time. In the event that the user is denied to perform their request (immediately or after prior consent), or should the services performance be impossible due to technical or any other reasons, the Internet service shall refund the amount paid by the user in connection with the application request within 14 days.
7. Authorized and non-authorized user responsibilities
7.1. The user may use the opportunity provided on the site to post information only in compliance with the purposes intended for this. Any use of forms and services on the site that is not related to the intended purposes is prohibited.
7.2. Any content on the site posted by the user shall always be written in a respectful and polite form. Criticism and expression of opinions have to be constructive so that they can be employed to the advantage by other users and not be annoying or offensive.
7.3. By posting information such as texts, photos, videos, names, brands, etc., the user guarantees that s/he does not violate the rights of third parties, for example: copyright, rights of private individuals, perfect competition.
7.4. The user shall entirely indemnify us against each and every claim of third parties related to legal infringements, for which s/he should be responsible. The user shall assume all relevant financial expenses associated with the legal protection we may require in this case.
7.5. The actions listed below shall be under a stringent prohibition:
- annoying and insulting other users, through aggressive, obscene, abusive, defamatory or obsessive forum or comment posts;
- statements or symbolism that are racist, approving or calling for violence, hostility, war, and that are badly affecting children;
- political or religious advertising or propaganda;
- sending ads, spam, website or business promotion, affiliate programs;
- publishing and distributing the content that does not meet the purpose and headings or categories of the website or is of no interest to the residents of Germany;
- specifying a paid phone number without specifying the price of the call, specifying only paid contact options;
- any actions that result in excessive system load or system failure;
- attempts to manipulate the release of information on the site (for example: constant updating of an advertisement, placement at the top of the list);
- entering information mostly in capital letters;
- placing a text translated from another language by an electronic translator or translated poorly;
- placement of the text in any other languages except Russian, English, Polish and German;
- using other people's personal data to register, post or send messages;
- placing a text containing grammar and syntactic errors;
- posting the same information, as well as information that has already been posted on many other sites on the Internet without significant changes.
7.6. The user shall always provide reliable and accurate information. Such information shall not violate the applicable laws of Germany and the European Union. The same shall apply to prices, offers of goods and services, events, etc.
7.7. The authorized user shall promptly update the information entered by them so that it is always accurate and reliable.
7.8. In the event that the online store registered by the user ceases to operate or the website of the said online store is no longer available on the Internet for whatever reason, the user shall immediately notify the Internet service thereof.
8. Rights of authorized users
8.1. The user may at any time log in to the website and make changes to the description of the online stores registered by them, provided that the section of the site for authorized users is currently available. The authorized users section of the site may be unavailable due to technical problems on the server, hacker attacks, works being underway on the server (see clause 12.7) and for other reasons.
8.2. The user may at any time and for any reason terminate cooperation and delete their account, as well as information about the online stores corresponding to their account.
8.3. The user may apply for paid services on the website (see §6).
9. Liability for the content published
9.1. Entrepreneurs or firms placing an offer of goods or services shall place a link to the Imprint in the ad or enter all the information that has to be in the Imprint on the sites (company name, surname and first name, address, contact details). We do not check this information; should it be missing or incorrect, the ad author shall be liable in compliance with the German law (§ 5 des Telemediengesetz).
9.2. The liability for the nature of the entered information, graphics, videos, prices, comments, etc. shall be borne by the user who has posted the said content. In no case shall we assume liability for the information entered by third parties. By posting information, the user shall thus confirm the rights to publish this information.
9.3. We shall have the right, but no obligation to check the entered information for compliance with the law or these Website Terms of Use. Should any violations or reasonable suspicions of a violation be detected, we shall inhibit or delete the information entered without notice and shall not publish it on the website. We may also take all reasonable steps (both technical and legal) so that the user who has entered the information can no longer either use our website or enter information onto it, including deleting the information about the online store and their account. To this purpose, we may store the user contact details, email address, IP address for a long time.
9.4. By placing an ad on our site, you grant us the rights to use this data, which shall include: posting this data on the site, as well as editing the data (correcting the spelling, punctuation, and the text style), changing the resolution and size of media materials, as well as deleting this information. We may also place the information entered on all the RU-GELD.DE subdomains, in our RSS feeds and news informers, as well as on other sites, to increase the number of views of the said information.
10. Security, privacy
10.1. Protecting users' personal data is our top priority. Our legally binding Privacy, Security Policy is available on a dedicated page of the website. By using our site, you are bound to accept and agree to our Privacy Policy.
10.2. On our website, it is strictly prohibited to collect information, especially the users personal data, by automatic means for whatever purpose. The user may employ the personal data entered by other users only for the purpose of contacting the latter. This data shall be handled confidentially; it shall not be transferred to third parties without the consent of the data proprietor.
10.3. The users may not communicate their data for authorization on the website to any third parties. Should their authorization data in any way be obtained by third parties, the user shall change this data on the website and inform us about it (see §4 Authorization on the website (signing in)).
10.4. In case of doubt about the propriety of the data entered by the user, the Support Service may at any time require the entered data confirmation, for example, the provision of state identification documents. Until the confirmation is provided, the Support Service may block the user and the data entered by him/ her.
10.5. Should the website user believe that any information on the website violates their rights or legislation, or is unreliable, s/he shall inform the Support Service about it. This can be done by making an appropriate comment on the page with such information or by getting in touch with us using the contact details from the Imprint About us, Contact).
11. Protection against fraudsters
11.1. The liability for the content entered on the site shall be borne by the users who have posted it. In no case shall we act as intermediaries between the online stores owners and other users and shall not assume responsibility for the content posted by the users.
11.2. Please note: if any offer is too good, most likely it should not be trusted. If we become aware that any information has been entered by a fraudster or it looks like a typical offer by a fraudster, we delete this information.
11.3. For the sake of your safety, when contacting the website users, always save the following information: the user contact details, emails. Do not send your personal data, especially copies of documents to strangers.
11.4. Should you become aware that any information has been entered by a fraudster, please let us know using the contact details or via the comments on the website pages.
11.5. More information on how to protect yourself from fraud and scammers, as well as on how to recognize fraudsters and scammers, as detailed on dedicated pages of our website.
12. Rights and obligations of the Web service (website owner)
12.1. We have the right, but not the obligation, to check the user content as to the compliance with the law or these Terms of Use. In case of violations or reasonable suspicions of violation, we shall either block or delete the information entered without warning and shall not post it to the site.
12.2. We may delete or deactivate all information materials contributed by the user if such materials violate the rights of third parties or if third parties inform us of the violation of their rights by the user.
12.3. Violation by the user of these Website Terms of Use shall constitute grounds for deleting the user account, information about the online store, all the comments and reviews pertaining to it, as well as a ban on further use of the website, registration and content publishing.
12.4. We may also delete the user account and information about their registered online store in the cases listed below: the user is no longer the owner of the online store registered by them; the online store has been unavailable on the Internet for one month; the user does not respond to our emails and has not logged in to the website at all for the last two years; in case of the Internet service or the website termination.
12.5. We shall be entitled to change the catalogues for publishing the online store information, as well as edit the information if it contains grammatical or stylistic errors, does not clearly express the subject matter of the message, or contains inadmissible, misleading information.
12.6. Each year, for a maximum of six weeks, working with information on the website may be limited or not possible at all, due to works being underway on the server, website maintenance, updating information on the website and for other reasons. We notify about the said restrictions in advance on the website authorization page. If absolutely essential, the user can contact the website Support Service, however, please note that your query may be responded with a delay.
13. Final provisions
13.1. When using our website, with regard to contractual obligations, as well as to legal proceedings, the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany shall exclusively apply.
13.2. Should the user have no general place of jurisdiction in the Federal Republic of Germany or should the user be an entrepreneur, a legal entity subject to public law or a special foundation of public law, the place of jurisdiction shall be the judicial authority at our location.
13.3. When using the website, the current Website Terms of Use shall always apply, rather than the Terms accepted during previous visits to the site or registration on the site.