Best authors of books on health and medicine for men and women: rating, list of authors and books
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Books > Books on health and medicine
On this page, in the category "E-books and audiobooks", you will find a list of the 10+ best authors of books about health, medicine and various diseases treatment, as well as a rating of the 100+ best books about health, healthy lifestyle. The list is compiled based on our experience, as well as reviews and top ratings of online stores presented on our website that sell books on the topic of health for men, women and children. The list we have compiled on this page as of 2025 (year) is regularly updated. You can also leave your reviews for interesting books about health that you especially like. To buy books, go to the page with the description of the book selected.
Best authors of books on health and medicine, Top 10+ best writers
First name, last name | Years active | Country | Information, view the author's books |
David D. Burns | XX - XXI c. | United States of America | Well-known American psychologist, psychiatrist, M.D. ... 4 books |
Giulia Enders | XX - XXI c. | Germany | German writer of popular science literature on medicine, microbiologist. 1 books |
Johannes Hinrich von Borstel | XX - XXI c. | Germany | German writer, cardiologist, research advisor, author of books about health. |
Elena Berezovskaya | XX - XXI c. | Ukraine | Ukrainian and Canadian research doctor, obstetrician-gynecologist. ... |
Fireidona Batmanghelidj | XX c. | Iran | Iranian doctor, researcher and writer. Author of books on medicine. 1 books |
Jason Fang | XXI c. | Canada | Canadian nephrologist, author of popular science books about diets and diabetes. |
Steven Gundry | XX - XXI c. | United States of America | American Holder of Habilitation degree in Medicine, cardiac surgeon, nutritionist. ... 4 books |
Yael Adler | XX - XXI c. | Germany | ... |
Alexandra Vasilyeva | XX - XXI c. | Russia | Author of popular medical literature |
Andrey Beloveshkin | XXI c. | Russia | Holder of Doctorate degree in Medicine, doctor, blogger and nutrition expert. Author of books on healthy eating. |
Anna Mai | XXI c. | Russia | Author of popular science books about health. |
Izabella Wentz | XXI c. | United States of America | Pharmacologist, MUDr. (Medicinae Universae Doctor), expert in thyroid diseases, teacher. ... 3 books |
James Nestor | XXI c. | United States of America | American writer and journalist, author of a bestselling book about breathing. 4 books |
Michael Hauch | XX - XXI c. | Germany | Holder of Habilitation degree in Medicine, practicing pediatrician and pediatric oncologist. ... |
Mikhail Poluektov | XXI c. | Russia | Author of books on medicine, somnologist, neurologist, holder of Doctorate degree in Medicine. ... |
Roman Buzunov | XX - XXI c. | Russia | Author, Doctor of Medicine, Honored Physician of Russia, full professor, head of the Center for Sleep Medicine. |
Sergei Vyalov | XX - XXI c. | Russia | ... |
Sigmund Freud | XIX - XX c. | Austria | Austrian psychologist, psychiatrist and neurologist, professor, M.D., founder of psychoanalysis. 14 books |
Victor Zuev | XXI c. | Russia | Doctor of Medicine, full professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation. ... |
Alina Belyat | XX - XXI c. | Russia | Author of books on psychology |
Boris Lipovetsky | XXI c. | Russia | Doctor of Medicine, full professor, primary field: atherosclerosis and cardiology. ... |
Carol Donner | XX - XXI c. | United States of America | An American artist, medical literature communicator. |
Felix Schreder | XXI c. | Germany | Cardiac surgeon, author of books on medicine. |
Ishimura Tomomi | XXI c. | United States of America | Actress, founder of yoga studios, coach, “zero” gymnastics creator, author of a book about health. |
Kai-Michael Beeh | XX - XXI c. | Germany | Holder of Habilitation degree in Medicine, therapist and pneumologist in Germany. ... |
Marina Danilova | XXI c. | Russia | Author of books about health. |
Mikhail Khoroshevsky | XXI c. | Russia | Author of books about health. |
Navaz Habib | XXI c. | Canada | Doctor of Chiropractic in Canada, therapist. Author of books on medicine and health. 3 books |
Tatyana Dyakonova | XXI c. | Russia | Author of books about health. |
Terry Wahls | XX - XXI c. | United States of America | Doctor and professor of medicine at the University of Iowa, has private practice and leads clinical trials. ... 3 books |
Kelly McGonigal | XX - XXI c. | United States of America | American writer, Doctor of Philosophy, psychologist. University professor, leading expert. ... 5 books |
Robert L. Leahy | XX - XXI c. | United States of America | 3 books |
Joe Dispenza | XXI c. | United States of America | American author of books on psychology and neuropsychology, teacher of neurophysiology, business consultant. ... 8 books |
Norman Doidge | XXI c. | Canada | ... 3 books |
Vasily Generalov | XXI c. | Russia | Holder of Habilitation degree in Medicine, neurologist, author of books on ketogenic diet and healthy eating. |
Haider Warraich | XXI c. | United States of America | Doctor, writer, clinical scientist, researcher at the Medical Center of Cardiovascular Diseases. ... 3 books |
Best books in the genre "Books on health and medicine". Top 10+ best books
books on healthy lifestyle, treatment of diseases, medicine
Quantity of goods in the category in other languages: in German ( 44 ), in Russian ( 212 ).
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