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Best authors of popular science books: rating, list of authors and books

Books > Popular science books

On this page, in the category "E-books and audiobooks", you will find a list of the 10+ best authors of popular science books on physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy and other sciences, as well as a rating of the 100+ best books of all time. The list is compiled based on our experience, as well as reviews and top ratings of online stores presented on our website that sell popular science books for men, women and children. The list we have compiled on this page as of 2024 (year) is regularly updated. You can also leave your reviews for interesting popular science books that you especially like. To buy books, go to the page with the description of the book selected.

Best authors of popular science books, Top 10+ best writers

First name, last nameYears activeCountryInformation, view the author's books
Stephen Hawking XX c. United Kingdom English physicist, cosmologist, writer, Professor of Mathematics. ...
6 books
John Medina XXI c. United States of America Author of popular science literature, molecular biologist. ...
1 books
Alexander Nikonov XX - XXI c. Russia Russian writer, publicist and TV presenter. The main genre of writing: popular science literature.
Norman Doidge XXI c. Canada ...
3 books
Sam Keen XX - XXI c. United States of America American writer, Professor and philosopher, author of popular science books.
7 books
Aristotle - Greece Aristotle is an ancient Greek philosopher, a student of Plato, his works are devoted to various branches of science.
17 books
Katharina Vestre XX - XXI c. Norway Cell biologist and researcher at the University of Oslo Life Sciences Department. ...
Simon Garfield XX - XXI c. United Kingdom British journalist and author of popular science literature, popular science communicator.
5 books
Haider Warraich XXI c. United States of America Doctor, writer, clinical scientist, researcher at the Medical Center of Cardiovascular Diseases. ...
3 books
Karol Igor XX c. Russia ...
Daniel Kahneman XX - XXI c. Israel Israeli and American psychologist, PhD. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics. ...
2 books
Jason Fang XXI c. Canada Canadian nephrologist, author of popular science books about diets and diabetes.
Joe Dispenza XXI c. United States of America American author of books on psychology and neuropsychology, teacher of neurophysiology, business consultant. ...
8 books
Steven Gundry XX - XXI c. United States of America American Holder of Habilitation degree in Medicine, cardiac surgeon, nutritionist. ...
4 books
Yael Adler XX - XXI c. Germany ...
Mikhail Poluektov XXI c. Russia Author of books on medicine, somnologist, neurologist, holder of Doctorate degree in Medicine. ...
Stanislas Dehaene XX - XXI c. France French neuroscientist, PhD, member of several academies of sciences. Author of books about the human brain functions.
5 books

show the entire table

Best books in the genre "Popular science books". Top 10+ best books

on physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy

Quantity of goods in the category in other languages: in German (  25  ), in Russian (  59  ).
  • Brain Rules for Work, John Medina

    eBook. ISBN: 978-1-73707-287-4

    Prices * : 14.99 - 14.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • The Brain That Changes Itself, Norman Doidge

    eBook. ISBN: 978-0-14-192368-0

    Prices: 9.49 - 9.49 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • A Brief History Of Time, Stephen Hawking

    eBook, 94381. ISBN: 978-1-4090-9236-0

    Prices: 9.49 - 9.49 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • Black Holes and Baby Universes, Stephen Hawking

    eBook. ISBN: 978-0-307-79045-3

    Prices: 15.49 - 15.49 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • Brief Answers to the Big Questions, Stephen Hawking

    eBook. ISBN: 978-1-4736-9600-6

    Prices: 10.99 - 10.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • Penguin Readers Level 5: Unlocking the Universe (ELT Graded Reader), Stephen Hawking

    eBook. ISBN: 978-0-241-51253-1

    Prices: 6.49 - 6.49 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • Collective Myths We Live & D M, Sam Keen

    audiobook. ISBN: 978-1-5366-8988-4

    Prices: 6.99 - 6.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • Fire in the Belly, Sam Keen

    eBook. ISBN: 978-0-307-75677-0

    Prices: 11.19 - 11.19 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • Living the Questions, Sam Keen

    audiobook. ISBN: 978-1-5366-8994-5

    Prices: 11.99 - 11.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • The Future of Heroism: The Chicago Men's Conference, Sam Keen

    audiobook. ISBN: 978-1-5366-8986-0

    Prices: 6.99 - 6.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • The Man Woman Thing: Love and the Gender War, Sam Keen

    audiobook. ISBN: 978-1-5366-8982-2

    Prices: 11.99 - 11.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • The Power of Stories Workshop: Illuminating Your Life's Meaning Through Stories, Sam Keen

    audiobook. ISBN: 978-1-5366-8990-7

    Prices: 11.99 - 11.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • How to Tell a Story: An Ancient Guide to the Art of Storytelling for Writers and Readers, Aristotle


    Prices: 47.99 - 47.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • On the Map, Simon Garfield

    audiobook. ISBN: 978-1-5318-7522-0

    Prices: 11.99 - 11.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • Poetics, Aristotle

    eBook. ISBN: 978-0-14-190626-3

    Prices: 8.49 - 8.49 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • Poetics/Rhetoric, Aristotle


    Prices: 47.99 - 47.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • Politics, Aristotle

    audiobook. ISBN: 978-1-4708-8993-7

    Prices: 33.99 - 33.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • Rhetoric, Poetics, & Logic, Aristotle

    audiobook. ISBN: 978-1-4417-4508-8
    audiobook. ISBN: 978-1-4417-4511-8

    Prices: 34.99 - 139.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 2

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • Rhetoric, Poetics, and Logic, Aristotle

    audiobook. ISBN: 978-1-4417-4510-1

    Prices: 36.99 - 36.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • The Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle

    audiobook. ISBN: 978-1-4708-4783-8

    Prices: 33.99 - 33.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • Modern Death: How Medicine Changed the End of Life, Haider Warraich

    audiobook. ISBN: 978-1-5436-0243-2

    Prices: 11.99 - 11.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • State of the Heart: Exploring the History, Science, and Future of Cardiac Disease, Haider Warraich

    audiobook. ISBN: 978-1-72138-359-7

    Prices: 33.99 - 33.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • The Song of Our Scars, Haider Warraich

    eBook. ISBN: 978-1-5416-7529-2

    Prices: 15.99 - 15.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

The list shows 23 of 23 products


* The price from online stores selling goods for a different currency is converted into euros, the euro exchange rate in Germany. In this regard, as well as for other reasons, the prices shown in the list and the prices in the online store may differ.