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Best authors of books on self-development and personal growth for men and women: rating, list of authors and books

Books > Books on self-development, personal growth

On this page, in the category "E-books and audiobooks", you will find a list of the 10+ best authors of books on self-development and self-improvement, as well as a rating of the 100+ best books on personal development. The list is compiled based on our experience, as well as reviews and top ratings of online stores presented on our website that sell self-development books for men, women and youth. The list we have compiled on this page as of 2024 (year) is regularly updated. You can also leave your reviews for interesting books on personal growth that you especially like. To buy books, go to the page with the description of the book selected.

Best authors of self-development books, Top 10+ best writers

First name, last nameYears activeCountryInformation, view the author's books
Andrew Matthews XX - XXI c. Australia Australian writer, psychologist, author of books on self-development and motivation.
1 books
Brian Tracy XX - XXI c. Canada Canadian and American author of books on self-development, psychology and business. ...
268 books
Dale Carnegie XIX - XX c. United States of America American writer, educator, founder of self-improvement and self-actualization courses.
13 books
Daniel Kahneman XX - XXI c. Israel Israeli and American psychologist, PhD. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics. ...
2 books
Kelly McGonigal XX - XXI c. United States of America American writer, Doctor of Philosophy, psychologist. University professor, leading expert. ...
5 books
Anton Petryakov XX - XXI c. Russia Popular fitness trainer, blogger. Author of the healthy lifestyle books.
Eric Larssen XX - XXI c. Norway Norwegian writer.
4 books
Joe Dispenza XXI c. United States of America American author of books on psychology and neuropsychology, teacher of neurophysiology, business consultant. ...
8 books
Loretta Breuning XX - XXI c. United States of America American writer, professor of philosophy, blogger, author of books on happiness and self-motivation.
2 books
Rahul Jandial XX - XXI c. United States of America MUDr. ...
2 books
Stanislas Dehaene XX - XXI c. France French neuroscientist, PhD, member of several academies of sciences. Author of books about the human brain functions.
5 books
John Medina XXI c. United States of America Author of popular science literature, molecular biologist. ...
1 books
Tim Ferriss XX - XXI c. United States of America ...
12 books
Robert Kiyosaki XX - XXI c. United States of America American entrepreneur, investor, writer, author of books on self-development and finance. ...
38 books
Andrey Beloveshkin XXI c. Russia Holder of Doctorate degree in Medicine, doctor, blogger and nutrition expert. Author of books on healthy eating.

show the entire table

Best books in the genre "Books on self-development, personal growth". Top 10+ best books

books on personal growth, personal development, self-improvement

Quantity of goods in the category in other languages: in German (  42  ), in Russian (  72  ).
  • Eat That Frog!, Brian Tracy

    eBook. ISBN: 978-1-62656-943-0

    Prices * : 18.18 - 18.18 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie

    eBook. ISBN: 978-1-4090-0521-6
    eBook. ISBN: 978-1-982171-47-6
    eBook. ISBN: 978-93-88118-68-2

    Prices: 1.99 - 14.83 €

    Offers for Germany: 3

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman

    eBook, 64974. ISBN: 978-0-14-191892-1
    eBook. ISBN: 978-1-4299-6935-2

    Prices: 11.99 - 15.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 2

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • Habits of a Happy Brain, Loretta Breuning

    eBook. ISBN: 978-1-4405-9051-1

    Prices: 9.88 - 9.88 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • How We Learn, Stanislas Dehaene

    eBook. ISBN: 978-0-241-36647-9

    Prices: 17.99 - 17.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • Life Lessons from a Brain Surgeon, Rahul Jandial

    eBook. ISBN: 978-0-241-33871-1

    Prices: 6.99 - 6.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • Dr Monsoon Taggert's Amazing Finishing Academy & Wolf Pie, Andrew Matthews

    audiobook. ISBN: 978-1-5366-3272-9

    Prices: 11.99 - 11.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • Advanced Selling Strategies: The Proven System Practiced by Top Salespeople, Brian Tracy

    audiobook. ISBN: 978-0-7435-3727-8

    Prices: 22.99 - 22.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • Bull's-Eye: The Power of Focus, Brian Tracy

    audiobook. ISBN: 978-1-5113-2686-5
    audiobook. ISBN: 978-1-5113-2687-2

    Prices: 15.99 - 22.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 2

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • Business Start-Up Success Made Simple, Brian Tracy


    Prices: 52.99 - 52.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • Creativity & Problem Solving, Brian Tracy


    Prices: 47.99 - 47.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • Delegation and Supervision: The Brian Tracy Success Library, Brian Tracy


    Prices: 45.99 - 45.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • Hiring & Firing: The Brian Tracy Success Library, Brian Tracy


    Prices: 45.99 - 45.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job, Dale Carnegie

    audiobook. ISBN: 978-1-4423-0315-7

    Prices: 33.99 - 33.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, Dale Carnegie

    audiobook. ISBN: 978-0-671-57458-1

    Prices: 55.99 - 55.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • Management Success Made Simple, Brian Tracy


    Prices: 52.99 - 52.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • Management: The Brian Tracy Success Library, Brian Tracy


    Prices: 45.99 - 45.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • Negotiation, Brian Tracy


    Prices: 45.99 - 45.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • The Joy of Movement, Kelly McGonigal

    eBook. ISBN: 978-0-525-53411-2

    Prices: 3.99 - 3.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • The Neuroscience of Change: A Compassion-Based Program for Personal Transformation, Kelly McGonigal

    audiobook. ISBN: 978-1-60407-790-2

    Prices: 77.99 - 77.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • The Science of Compassion: A Modern Approach for Cultivating Empathy, Love, and Connection, Kelly McGonigal

    audiobook. ISBN: 978-1-62203-779-7

    Prices: 77.99 - 77.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • Verbal Mastery Vocabulary System: Expand Your Vocabulary and Verbal Communications Skills [With DVD], Brian Tracy

    audiobook. ISBN: 978-1-4417-8071-3

    Prices: 38.99 - 38.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • Your Most Valuable Asset, Brian Tracy

    audiobook. ISBN: 978-1-5366-2413-7

    Prices: 17.99 - 17.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • 14 Days to Sustainable Happiness, Loretta Breuning

    eBook. ISBN: 978-1-941959-17-6

    Prices: 7.49 - 7.49 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • Becoming Supernatural, Joe Dispenza

    eBook. ISBN: 978-1-4019-5310-2

    Prices: 16.49 - 16.49 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, Joe Dispenza

    eBook. ISBN: 978-1-4019-3810-9

    Prices: 13.49 - 13.49 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • Evolve Your Brain M, Joe Dispenza

    audiobook. ISBN: 978-1-5159-6643-2

    Prices: 43.99 - 43.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • Meditations for Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, Joe Dispenza

    audiobook. ISBN: 978-1-4019-4975-4

    Prices: 19.89 - 19.89 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • You Are the Placebo, Joe Dispenza

    eBook. ISBN: 978-1-4019-4486-5

    Prices: 2.99 - 2.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • You Are the Placebo Meditation 1 -- Revised Edition: Changing Two Beliefs and Perceptions, Joe Dispenza

    audiobook. ISBN: 978-1-4019-5170-2

    Prices: 17.99 - 17.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

  • You Are the Placebo Meditation 2 -- Revised Edition: Changing One Belief and Perception, Joe Dispenza

    audiobook. ISBN: 978-1-4019-5171-9

    Prices: 18.99 - 18.99 €

    Offers for Germany: 1

    View   Mark as favourite  

The list shows 31 of 31 products


* The price from online stores selling goods for a different currency is converted into euros, the euro exchange rate in Germany. In this regard, as well as for other reasons, the prices shown in the list and the prices in the online store may differ.