Merchant center Google merchant in Germany
Catalogue of online stores in Germany: reviews, delivery, information.
Category: Trading platforms, e-commerce
Name | Google merchant |
Country, address | США, United States |
Customer ratings Google merchant |
5 out of 5 based on 1 rankings and 1 reviews. View and/or add reviews, customer ratings |
Store link | Go to Google merchant website |
Delivery to Germany | Payment and delivery terms are set by e-tailers presenting their goods on the site. |
Delivery methods |
Payment methods |
List of goods | For a list of goods, see the section of goods on our website or in the online store proper. |
Description of the Google merchant online store:
Google Merchant - the world famous search engine. Google has its own online e-commerce site where e-tailers can present their goods. On this site, you can conveniently search for the desired products, sorted by price and other criteria. As of this information placement date, participation in this project for sellers is free. Many online stores in Germany participate in this e-commerce site.
However, the Google Merchant site does not sell products, including payment, delivery, etc. This site is rather a service for comparing and searching for goods; eventually, it redirects visitors to online store sites, where goods are sold.
Google merchant online store product categories:
- Videos, films on CDs and DVDs
- Clothes, shoes
- Books
- Accessories
- Audio, music
- Dishware
- Electronics, computers
- Software, games, e-books
- Furniture
Reviews, customer opinions about the Google merchant online store
Поисковая система товаров от Google (in Russian)
Обязательно заглядываю в Google, когда ищу электронику или что-то для дома. Здесь удобно можно найти, сравнить цены и перейти в магазин для покупки. Не всегда в сервисах сравнения цен принимают участие магазины, которые представлены в Гугле.
TranslateAnton (09.12.2021)
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