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Online stores in Germany
Bergfreunde Outdoor Shop

Clothing, footwear and equipment for travel and sports Bergfreunde Outdoor Shop in Germany

Catalogue of online stores in Germany: reviews, delivery, information.

Category: Online stores in Germany

Name Bergfreunde Outdoor Shop
Country, address Rottenburg, Germany
Customer ratings Bergfreunde Outdoor Shop Rank 0
0 out of 5 based on 0 rankings and 0 reviews.
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Store link Go to Bergfreunde Outdoor Shop website
Delivery to Germany
Delivery methods
  • DHL
Payment methods
  • Visa credit card
  • MasterCard credit card
  • Transfer to an account in Germany
  • PayPal
  • By invoice upon receipt of goods
  • American Express credit card
List of goods For a list of goods, see the section of goods on our website or in the online store proper.

Description of the Bergfreunde Outdoor Shop online store:

The Bergfreunde online store offers customers men's, women's and children's clothing and footwear, as well as gear and equipment for mountain hikes and various types of outdoor activities.
The Bergfreunde online store offers a 100-day period for the return of commodities, as well as free transmission when purchasing goods for at least a certain minimum amount.

Bergfreunde Outdoor Shop online store product categories:

Reviews, customer opinions about the Bergfreunde Outdoor Shop online store

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