Electronics, household goods, accessories Pearl in Germany
Catalogue of online stores in Germany: reviews, delivery, information.
Category: Online stores in Germany
Name | Pearl |
Country, address | Buggingen, Germany |
Customer ratings Pearl |
1 out of 5 based on 1 rankings and 1 reviews. View and/or add reviews, customer ratings |
Store link | Go to Pearl website |
Delivery to Germany | |
Delivery methods |
Payment methods |
List of goods | For a list of goods, see the section of goods on our website or in the online store proper. |
Description of the Pearl online store:
The Pearl.DE online store offers their customers a wide range of commodities, totaling more than 16'000, from the categories that follow: electronics, household and gardening goods, building materials, clothing and accessories, office goods, wares for sports, hobbies and more. A lot of products from the Pearl.DE online store are imported from China and other Oriental countries and have low prices. The online store also publishes a catalogue of current and latest products, which can be ordered or downloaded from the official website.
Pearl online store product categories:
- Sporting goods
- Souvenirs
- Electronics, computers
- Stationery
- Homeware
- Accessories
Reviews, customer opinions about the Pearl online store
- 1 Невыполнение договоренностей (in Russian) Оформила в рассрочку на 3 месяца детский электромобиль.1 месяц сумму на счет вернули, так как не хватило 2 евро, затем пришло письмо ,что в течении этого же месяца вы должны погасить всю сумму!!! Я же не расчитывала на такую сумму! Не красиво, pearl Виктория (21.09.2023)
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