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Online stores in Germany
Thalia книги

Bookstore Thalia Bücher in Germany

Catalogue of online stores in Germany: reviews, delivery, information.

Category: Online stores in Germany

Name Thalia Bücher
Country, address Munster, Germany
Customer ratings Thalia Bücher Rank 0
0 out of 5 based on 0 rankings and 0 reviews.
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Store link Go to Thalia Bücher website
Delivery to Germany
Delivery methods
  • Deutsche Post
  • DHL
  • Hermes
Payment methods
  • Visa credit card
  • MasterCard credit card
  • Transfer to an account in Germany
  • PayPal
  • Upon receipt of the goods
  • By invoice upon receipt of goods
  • Withdrawal from the account by the seller (Direct debit)
List of goods For a list of goods, see the section of goods on our website or in the online store proper.

Description of the Thalia Bücher online store:

Thalia is the largest retail and online book seller in Germany and other German-speaking countries. The company is also engaged in the promotion of literature and reading, holding thousands of different events annually for this purpose. The company has recently celebrated their centenary since the day of their opening.
In the Thalia online store, you can buy books, as well as electronic and audiobooks of various genres, e-book readers, as well as movies, music, board games, and stationery. A special service available on the website will help you select a gift.

Thalia Bücher online store product categories:

Reviews, customer opinions about the Thalia Bücher online store

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