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Online stores in Germany

Online store of Russian goods Kniga24 in Germany

Catalogue of online stores in Germany: reviews, delivery, information.

Category: Russian online stores

Name Kniga24
Country, address Duisburg, Germany
Customer ratings Kniga24 Rank 0
0 out of 5 based on 0 rankings and 0 reviews.
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Store link Go to Kniga24 website
Delivery to Germany Delivery within Germany and to other countries. When buying for a certain amount, dispatch is free.
Delivery methods
  • Mail
Payment methods
  • Visa credit card
  • MasterCard credit card
  • Transfer to an account in Germany
  • PayPal
List of goods For a list of goods, see the section of goods on our website or in the online store proper.

Description of the Kniga24 online store:

The online store range of products: Russian food products, sweets, as well as Russian books, CDs with films and music, household goods, office supplies and much more.

Kniga24 online store product categories:

Reviews, customer opinions about the Kniga24 online store

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