Online book store Newskij prospekt in Germany
Catalogue of online stores in Germany: reviews, delivery, information.
Category: Russian online stores
Name | Newskij prospekt |
Country, address | Düsseldorf, Germany |
Customer ratings Newskij prospekt | 5 out of 5 based on 1 rankings and 1 reviews. View and/or add reviews, customer ratings |
Store link | Go to Newskij prospekt website |
Delivery to Germany | Delivery of goods in Germany, you can also pick up the order yourself in Dusseldorf. |
Delivery methods |
Payment methods |
List of goods | For a list of goods, see the section of goods on our website or in the online store proper. |
Description of the Newskij prospekt online store:
Online store of Russian books, as well as CDs with music and films in Germany. There are also postcards and periodicals on sale.
Newskij prospekt online store product categories:
- Audio, music
- Books
- Stationery
- Videos, films on CDs and DVDs
Reviews, customer opinions about the Newskij prospekt online store
- 5 Качество услуг (in Russian) Самый лучший Интернет-магазин! Очень довольна ассортиментом книг и качеством работы с покупателями. Книги приходят всегда вовремя и отличного качества! С помощью сайта и его администраторов мною собрана великолепная библиотека. Благодарности и пожелания процветания любимому "Невскому проспекту"!!! С уважением, Наталья Писарева (Нидерланды) TranslateНаталья Писарева (31.10.2017)
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