Online store of Russian goods Sabawa in Germany
Catalogue of online stores in Germany: reviews, delivery, information.
Category: Russian online stores
Name | Sabawa |
Country, address | Zerbst, Germany |
Customer ratings Sabawa |
![]() 5 out of 5 based on 3 rankings and 3 reviews. View and/or add reviews, customer ratings |
Store link | Go to Sabawa website |
Delivery to Germany | Delivery within Germany and to other European countries, the price depends on the country and the weight of the parcel, free shipping at a certain value of the goods. |
Delivery methods |
Payment methods |
List of goods | For a list of goods, see the section of goods on our website or in the online store proper. |
Description of the Sabawa online store:
Online store of Russian goods: groceries, books, CDs with films and music, clothes and accessories, and much more.
Sabawa online store product categories:
- Sporting goods
- Videos, films on CDs and DVDs
- Food, drinks
- Goods for kids
- Souvenirs
- Medicines, health products
- Audio, music
- Dishware
- Clothes, shoes
- Books
- Cosmetics for women, men and children
- Homeware
- Accessories
Reviews, customer opinions about the Sabawa online store
5 Все товары (in Russian) Я раньше несколько лет приобретала у Вас товары и была очень довольна.Потом в течении года связь прервалась,связалась только сейчас.Хочу продолжить получать товары и сейчас
TranslateIrina Olkhovikova (25.11.2021) -
5 Доставка и качество товара превосходная (in Russian) Спасибо большое, что вы есть. Как хорошо, что я вас нашла!
TranslateJulia (16.07.2020) -
5 Ассортимент (in Russian) Супер!!
TranslateMilana Tekajeva (02.02.2017)
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